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Fuck Chronology as truth telling
video, VR, drawing, audio/text (14.13min)Watch and listen with voice/ SOUND over via vimeo / Click here
Fuck Chronology as truth telling is a new video collage without beginning or end. It asks the viewer to think along with the maker about fragmentation; division into pieces, and chronology; a conceptual time sequence.
Why do stories only count if they are told from a certain perspective? Can we experience time outside the dominant capitalist and patriarchal ideology? Isn't it true that we all experience time very differently?
Time flies in all directions and is not linear, yet we want to capture the collective in a structure that is seen as objective; one form of history telling, fixed working hours, laws and simply; the clock.
As a collective we have decided to maintain certain structures, which do not necessarily suit everyone, but are in line with capitalism.
Another, queer idea of time gives room to interact in various ways, where we don't conform to a - straightforward - past-present-future chronology and where caring for each other is made central, not the capitalist idea where eternal growth and success is above all else. This work is a first attempt at thinking about how hidden stories can be made visible, seeking dreams about a life where society leaves no mark on how to deal with our collective and individual idea of time.
What if you can't keep up with everyday life, what if your head just doesn't work like that? What if an event makes such an impact that it seems as if time stands still forever or you get stuck in the past? Can we refuse to accept time as a standard that works the same for everyone? Can we protest linear thinking?
Saskia has remixed image and text from their personal archive, and has included theoretical work by: R. Levine: "A Geography of Time", M. Russel & R. Malthortrah: "Capitalism and disability", V. Browne: "Feminism, Time , and Nonlinear History", I. Milojevic: "Timing feminism, feminising time", M. O'Brien: "Taking Our Time: Feminist Perspectives on Temporality", J. Griffiths: "Boo to captain clock", B. Adam: "Timescapes of Modernity".
Sound: Menzo Schrik
Voice over: Anne Mul
Text, video and editing: Saskia Burggraaf
Photos: Dirkje Baris